Thursday, October 3, 2013

Normal service resumes...

So to preserve my sanity and so I didn't bore the world with our never ending quest for sleep, I stepped away from this blog for a while. Long story short, Nate has not slept more than 5 hours straight since December 2012. Actually in fairness he has, about 3 times.
I'm not going to lie, it's been hell. I returned to work in a hazy dream like state, and we slowly plodded through life trying anything to gab a couple of hours sleep here and there. Fingers crossed Nate has slept through the night more or less for the last week. So I'm hoping we will all start enjoying life again!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ahoy there!

So, I've been absent for a while. It's been a tough few months. N has stopped sleeping, we've been to hell and back. Tried everything and anything. Changed formulas numerous times, even had blood tests. Finally figured out my homemade fruit purée mix seemed to be upsetting his stomach. So now were down to sleeping from about 8/9-1/2 awake for an hour when one of us goes into him to co sleep then sleeping till 7. So we're getting there, slowly. I won't lie there are days I couldn't see an end in sight, days I just wanted to walk away, have some time where I'm not "on". Like I said were slowly getting there....I've only 2ish months left at home and I'm dreading going back to work. I just can't see how there are enough hours in the day! N now crystal after hub in the mornings so I'm dreading leaving him.
We have 2 teeth and a head full of eczema/really bad dry scalp, N scratches constantly so he's sporting some funky arm socks at night. Again we've tried silcocks base, moogoo, coconut oil, Elave, Aveeno, Dentinox, and were trying Capasal shampoo tomorrow. Since the scratching causes Nate to wake himself up, I'm hoping we can curb it ASAP.
I bought myself a Madame Googoo and I've started carrying N a lot, I love the closeness and how easy it is out shopping. So hopefully N will go to his first Leinster game in 2 weeks in the carrier.
No matter how hard it everything is though I just look at this and melt.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


We're on solids for the last 2 weeks. N loves them! We've tried baby rice, banana cereal and creamy porridge. He's really thriving now 4 bottles and 2 feeds a day and back to sleeping mostly through the night.
We've mastered tummy time and he was given a big thumbs up from the physio for his head control and neck movement.
I'm starting to introduce veg next week, I cant wait to see how he reacts to them.
I on the other hand have started kettlebells 2-3 times a week, I love the time to myself and I really want to shift the weight.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Big boy.

A big boy needs a big boy cot! We've moved N into his cot in our room, he was getting too big for the crib and sticking his hands out the sides. He looks so tiny in it, but he loves it, and it feels so much more comfortable then the crib.
We've also hit the teething mark, lots of hand chewing, dribbling and sticking his hand so far down his throat he makes himself puke, it has been joked since he's only 3ish months and is too big for penneys 3-6 month clothes that N maybe airing his bulimic demons.
I think I'm going to give up the pumping, it's just getting soul destroying, I feel like a zombie most days and having to stay up as late as I can to get good output is just tiring.  Since we'll be introducing solids in 2 weeks  I don't think I'll be ale to pump and purée at the same time, it just feels natural to hang up the pump.
17 weeks! I honestly don't know where the time has gone, it just feels like yesterday I stumbled in hungover to take a test, I had no inkling I was pregnant and of course when the line appeared I mentally started admonishing myself for being out the night before, but how could I have known.
I will remember the  21st of November 2011 as one of the best days of my life!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Nates antibiotic seems to have cleared up the infection. We had our 11 week check-up (had an 11 week check-up, down to the Dr. thinking N's head was too large) and this Dr. (we have a new one at every visit) was actually the Dr. who discharged N from hospital said his head was absolutely fine. She couldn't understand why we were brought back.....bbbbuuuuttttt.... She would like to see us again in 2 months as N was being particularly stubborn that day and he refused to lift his head when placed on his belly. He did a spectacular show of lying there screaming, and when the didn't get him picked up he decided to attempt to suffocate himself. God job son! I knew I could count on you!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The first A&E visit.

Everything has been going fantastic! N is sleeping on average from 10 till 7 every night. He doesn't sleep during the day, he prefers catnaps! We noticed when he was born he might have a tight foreskin, but we were assured it was ok, it seems to have caused an infection :(
He's on an antibiotic and a painkiller to help, but of course these have given him cramps and diarrhoea and all he wants is cuddles and love. Hopefully it will clear up soon and we will have our bright little man back. A&E was surprisingly easy quick and nice, as he was so young they looked at him ASAP, they eassured me that I was right to bring him in and had caught him on the brink of the infection, so it should clear quickly. I was also told in the hospital that N is teething, at 8 weeks, so scary and way too fast. my little man is now 10 weeks and has lost his little newborn look and you can see the boy he will become. I wish I could just freeze some moments in time.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I am a new person!

I actually got my hair cut and coloured, it's light, shiny and swishy! N is also sleeping every night and has started cooing and giggling. He is turning into an amazing little man.
We've gone to 2 baby massage classes, they are fabulous for calming him down and his colicky tendencies are slowly disappearing. He is an absolute devil for fighting sleep during the day, but if that means he will sleep at night, well that's a trade off I'm willing to take.
Kettlebells was fun last week, having an hour or so to myself was really nice, and I missed actually doing proper exercise while pregnant.
I'm considering making a complaint about the way my delivery was handled, I'm going to talk to my GP this week, the more people who hear the story, the more I'm convinced myself and Nate are lucky to be here.